Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Milikku Video Shoot - Day 3 (UPDATED)
Tuesday, 2 Nov 2004 Day 3 'Milikku' Video Shoot
Disclaimer: Sedih gila the day before tak dpt pergi shoot at 'Bali', Sunway :( Apa nak buat, ada kerja. Ada donation presentation/buka puasa/terawikh Petronas. As the organising committee, mmg tak boleh MIA, esp as ada VVIP (Tun Mahathir & Tun Siti Hasmah). Mmg sedih, Bali Leisure Centre tu dah le dekat benorr ngan rumah!!! :)
Okey, enough meroyan! Moving on...
1st Stop: MML Showroom, Jln Tandang, PJ
Arrived at 5pm and managed to catch one scene - adengan Zahid di bilik tidur, hehe. Unfortunately, I tak amik gambar langsung at this location sbb tiba2 terkena penyakit segan lah pulak! Cis!! Hehehe. Baru je sampai kan, so tak warm up lagi to the surroundings, hehe. Yelah, bilik tu penuh ngan models, talents, director, crew etc yg I tak kenal...
First of all, thanks Suria yg sanggup sacrifice parking space kereta dia sblh Zahid’s orange C3 to pick me up. Hehe.. Nasib baik ler, dpt balik slot bertuah tu :)
Sampai2 je kat carpark nampak SimKad and Ch@15 fans dok melepak kat kereta masing2. Bila masuk showroom, nampak le PA’s Zahid (Hafez, Epol & gang) and Nana KSNM dok lepak at sofa dgn muka penat campur boring, hehe.
A few mins later Zahid muncul, dressed in a shocking pink Von Dutch T-shirt and plain light pink cap. Zahid ckp dia dah bosan pakai orange. Dia pilih pink for a bit of kelainan. Biasalah Zahid, nampak peminat dia, terus dia menyakat.. ‘Haa, Iz bwk camera dia, nanti dia masuk dlm blog” etc.. Mana tak I laaaaagi malu nak amik gambar!!!!! :)
The production crew were setting up for the bedroom scene so we all semua lepak2 at sofa. Bila dah start, baru I gi masuk bilik showroon tgk recording. They simulated the showroom to be Zahid’s bedroom. Ada rak kasut penuh ngan kasut2 Zahid. Semuanya Nike. Colourful habis koleksi kasut Zahid ni. Warna pink, oren, biru, kuning.. semua ada lah! Menyesal tak amik gambar!!! :(
Scene description:
Zahid tgh tidur in a king-sized bed with a duvet covering his whole body & face. Tiba2 phone at the bedside table rang. Muncul le tangan Zahid dari dlm duvet yang dengan mamainya mencapai phone tu, hehe. Pastu dia tolak duvet and bangun. Byk kali repeat ooo, kesian Zahid. Masa ni dia pakai jersey Holland with white drawstring pants. I like those pants on him. Nampak kemas! :)
Next shoot: Zahid bukak almari baju nak pilih baju apa nak pakai.
The almari ada cermin on it and opens by sliding the doors outwards. Zahid slides towards the almari, pushes the almari doors to reveal his clothes. (Semua mmg baju Zahid sendiri of course) He chooses a light pink shirt, jeans and puts them on the bed.
Lepas tu scene dia pakai baju yg dia pilih tu. Started shooting with his baju covering his head, and dia slide it down. Also ada scene dia pakai his seluar, hehe. Dia rendahkan seluar dia and pulled it up. So ada a shot of his buttocks, ladies, hehe. As well as scene dia pakai his metal chain belt…
Masa dia nak tukar baju dari Jersey Holland to baju light pink tu, Zahid ckp dia malu, pastu dia masuk dlm almari cermin tu, tukar baju kat situ! Everybody sighed in disappointment, hehe :) Director ckp.. “Apa nak malu Zahid, semua org ada perut.” hehehe…
Basically that was mainly it lah. Sikit je scene, tapi byk kali shoot. Nasib le Zahid ni jenis very happy go lucky guy. Tgk dia nyer keletah in between shoots pun menghiburkan.
We finished at around 6.15pm, lepas tu terus ke Rio de Futsal. Me & Suria lepak jap, tgk crew pack up and Zahid and PAs dia keluarkan baju2 Zahid dlm almari etc untuk dibawa balik. Penuh boot kereta C3 oren tu! Kasut lah, cap lah, baju2 lagi..
Next stop: Rio de Futsal, Subang
Me and Suria sampai Rio de Futsal just in time for Buka Puasa (where food was provided, of course). Lepas tu, relax sekejap sementara tunggu crew video sampai. While they were setting up their equipment at one of the courts Hafiz, Epol, SimKad and gang dah gi main futsal at the opposite court. A few fans join, eg Nana KSNM, Suria and gang2 Ch@15. Zahid masa tu tgh tukar baju. Kali ni dia pakai serba merah pulak. Man Utd Christiano Ronaldo jersey with red sweat pants. Lepas tukar baju dia join sekejap main futsal. Mmg gelak aje Zahid tu sepanjang2 main futsal :)
Masa Zahid dah kena panggil masuk court futsal, I was watching outside the court with friends sbb belum start pun lagi. Zahid masa boring2 tu, mulalah... Dia meloncat on the court netting mcm spiderman terpacak at netting, hehe. Terkejut we all :) Tak boleh duduk diam betul mamat tu, hehe :)
When shooting was about to start, I bergerak masuk ke dalam court futsal tu. The scene was basically just Zahid and approx. 15 guys and girls dancing. Tapi sbb dance routine, mmg le byk kali repeat.
I didn’t stay till the end cos it was a working day plus I knew I was gonna see him on Wednesday…. and Sunday... Tu dah kira overquota dah tu! Okeylah kan.. no need ler to stay till the end.
Seems like it's gonna be a simple but cool video clip. Can't wait!!!
Suria said PAs Zahid told her that there are 2 versions of the music vid though. One for Malaysia, one for Indonesia. Aiseh... sedihnya.. I hope we'll get to see both versions!!!
A few pics..
Just before start of the futsal scene shoot
With Zahid fans at Rio de Futsal
With Zahid
Sekali je mana puas hati kan :)
Belum shoot dah peluh dah.. Zahid main futsal sekejap before start shooting
Working his magic on the dance floor
Rehat sekejap in between shoots
Tuala pun oren :)