Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Rumah Terbuka AF2 (RTAF2)

Wednesday, 13 October 2004

I'm sorry it took me ages to post this report. Byk kerja, penat sbb recording habis lambat gila, plus takde mood, hehe.

That day was such a rush for me sampai tak sempat pun pegi tgk Car Wash at NZ (padahal dekat aje my office ngan NZ tu) and tertinggal camera kat office! Sacrilege! :)

So I apologize for the lack of pics. The pics that I took, semua still kat camera org. For pics, you guys can go to wai em's excellent fotopages at

Btw, what a day for Zahid it was! Jam-packed schedule dia:

I arrived late (had to go back home to collect my new orange kebaya, pastu kena buat errands sikit, and jam gila kat PJ!!) but luckily still in time to grab a quick bite and talk to a few of the AF2 stars (totally missed Zahid tho) at the cafe. Tension betul takde camera!!! :)

The KSNM committee takde lak pakai orange, so mmg I je lah wakil nampaknya. We all duduk lepak with mak Zahid at the cafe until recording started at around 8.45pm.

This was hands down the most arduos recording I've ever been to! The Astana Idaman shoot (to see Vince) I went to last year pun tak selama recording RTAF2 ni, and that was for 2 episodes of Astana Idaman. The RTAF2 recording lasted waaaayyy past 2am!! I left at around 1.15am sbb dah tak larat since esok kerja. Dah le bench dia keras gila. Ouchhh, hehehe.

It took a long time cos most of the performance kena record 2x sbb tak hafal lirik (sbb lagu semua lagu Raya baru), pastu they had to change baju a lot (mula2 pakai baju Raya, pastu tukar baju biasa, pastu tukar balik pakai baju Raya). The carpet onstage pulak kept moving when the kids perform, so crew kena betulkan. Mula2 betulkan ngan tgn, last2 paku terus. Mula2 paku at 4 corners, lepas tu tambah lagi, hehe. Patutnya, remove je that carpet! :)

It was a totally different concept to last year. Last year was mainly an acting performance. I definitely prefer last year's set yg ada rumah, kuali masak dodol, buaian, lemang yg dibakar, reban ayam etc. It is more fun to see the AF stars acting & singing compared to just singing. Last year's recording takde any cuts at all! Best sgt sbb smooth flow of things. They all acted so well and tak payah ulang menyanyi sbb all songs were pre-recorded. Ye lah, masa recording tu tgh puasa, tu yg pre-record, I guess. They also wore the same clothes throughout the show so tak waste a lot of time changing and they sang famous evergreen Raya songs hence we could all sing along.

This year, it was more of a singing performance, with some sketsa in between. Tapi nyanyi LIVE ler. They change clothes a lot! The girls wear a lot of different baju kebaya. They also had to wear non-Raya clothes but for the last performance kena change balik to baju Raya. So mana tak lama kan? hehehe..

Kali ni takde set yg canggih2, just a circular stage, with the audience seated in benches surrounding the stage. There was a couch at the side of the stage where ada meja penuh ngan kuih2 raya. Most of the sketsa is filmed here and while an AF2 star is singing, the rest will be sitting at the sofa watching. Btw, kerja Zahid kat sofa tu, maaaakan aje!! Adus.. Hehehehe.....

Cikgu2 yg hadir were Linda Jasmine (I loved her baju.. cantik gila!!!), Cikgu Adnan, Umi (so made up with make-up I almost didn't recognize her), cikgu Korrie (who looked really nice in baju melayu), Rozina (warden girls), Ramli MS (I love his baju melayu!! Dark blue songket design), Dr Sher and cikgu Fatimah and her youngest daughter. Parents Zahid and Farah were around, as well as Kaer's sis, Jojo. Parents Farah siap pakai matching red and black baju Raya lagi.

They recorded all the sketsa scenes before the singing scenes and mmg best sgt tgk gelagat Aznil. He's just soooo good :) Hari tu, mana2 dia pergi, asyik bwk air oren dlm botol je. Siap letak dlm kocek baju Melayu dia lagi. Baju pun bright orange. Zahid also wore baju melayu orange (Johor style of course) and white capal.

They sang both Raya and non Raya songs. Lagu Raya yg depa nyanyi byk lagu modern tho, so byk yang I mmg tak tahu the title, singer or lyrics. So for the songlist, kindly refer to Wai Em's Fotopages. All the performance were duets except for Aznil sorang yg dpt nyanyi solo, hehe. He sang the NSR (I think) Artist Hari Raya song if I'm not mistaken. The last song was a group song - "Di Pagi Raya" which was sung by the AF1 stars last year.

My favourite Zahid performance was his duet with Anding, singing Shiela on 7's "Berhenti Berharap". He was dressed in a shirt and jacket for that. Mmg sukaaaa sgt bila Zahid nyanyi lagu slow yg mendayu2 eg Istana Menanti. As for the best non-Zahid performance, has gotta be the duet by Edlin and Zarina. Power gila! Best best best.

When Fitri sang his song, ada one part tu dia off-key. Lepas tu, habis Aznil and all of them usik dia, singing that way. Mmg kalau sesiapa yg menyanyi tu sumbang or lupa lirik je, mulalah keluar "Pulangkan duit tiket kami". Zahid lah yang start, hehe. Lepas tu the other AF2 stars pun ikut.

Halfway through the recording I mmg turun dari tempat duduk to stretch my legs outside and berdiri tgk dari pintu studio je. Adi and Sahri were watching from the door so ada gak gang to borak with. They both came to watch sbb nak dgr lagu "Di Pagi Raya" - nak relive nostalgia RTAF last year, hehe.

During recording, we had just one really really really short break. Apalagi, semua on camera! Cepat2 sambar bintang AF kegemaran masing2. Kita yg tension sbb tak bwk camera, hehe. Nasib le dpt pinjam camera kwn2 for one or two pictures. Masa the KSNM committee panggil Zahid to take pics with us n his mom, dia tak nak dtg!! Sengaja lah tu, hehehe. Tapi mmg jauh pun dia nak dtg to meet us and he was already swamped with fans.

Nasib bila I approach dia for a picture tak kena usik, hehe. Penat2 buat baju kebaya oren express, kenalah amik gambar kan. So many people crowded Zahid so I just took one snap with him, tak borak2 sgt pun. Lucky for me though, I got to talk to him again just before I balik. Was watching at the studio door that time when Zahid happened to come through the door. What a sweetheart lah. Ingat dia nak usik2 le lagi, tapi terus dia come over to say hi, and leaned against my right shoulder, sambil letak tgn kiri dia on my left shoulder. Dpt le borak sikit2 before he went back to the sofa to join his AF friends. So kira puas hati le walaupun terpaksa balik awal.

Okeylah guys.. nak prepare for buka puasa... Sorry for the brief and picture-less report :(

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