Friday, October 22, 2004


Spotted! Kaer at KLCC

Friday, 22 October 2004
Level 3, KLCC Suria

Terkejut gak nampak Kaer at KLCC. I thought these guys are busy beyond belief, hehe. Masa I bumped into him tu, I was talking on the phone, so tak tegur lah. Kalau tak, mmg dah tegur dah. Kaer was with another guy, tgh shopping for interior design products rasanya. Kedai2 dia masuk was Ombak, Lotus Arte, Claycraft and Khazanah. He bought some stuff from Claycraft. I was there until dia masuk Khazanah je, lepas tu I had to go, so tak tau dia pegi mana lepas tu. Kinokuniya kot, hehe. Dia ada ckp dia suka lepak kat situ kan.

If I had a camera hp, dah lama amik gambar sbb he looked so cute. He was in beige colour scheme. Pakai sunglasses. Aiseh, menyesal gak tak tegur, tapi takpelah. I wanted to ask him how the shooting of the drama bersiri Akademi is going on.

Itu je lah nak report, hehe.

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