Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Konsert Merdeka 2004
I could've been backstage ikut kroni, but who knows, maybe tak boleh. Apa2pun tension sbb ada both Vince and Zahid together. My two faves!! And Zahid tak pakai snow cap! hehehe. Bila le nak dpt amik gambar with Zahid tanpa snow cap! :)
Last2, as usual, kirim salam je lah. Motto kena diteruskan... 'Izrin mana2 adaaaa'!! If not my real self, nama mesti kena ada, wakakaka.... Kesian ko Jahit!! Tu lah, sapa suruh irresistable sgt! ;)
Apasal camera work still kurenggg ye? I mmg le minat Sham Kamikaze tapi takkan le masa AF2 nyanyi depa focus kat Sham kot? And forever focus kat Zarina je ni? I rasa Kaer and Farah tak dpt byk coverage. Anding pun kurang actually.
Zahid seemed to tired and less energetic as usual. Kesian tul bebudak ni.
Mmg seronok sgt tgk Zahid and Misha berduet. He was cheeky as usual. You really make me smile and laugh lah Zahid! :)
Ok lah, mengantuk dah ni.
Ciao guys! To those yg pegi konsert reunion, see u there (tegur2 lah I, kalau perasan) and have fun! :)
Tiara during PGL Press Premiere - 30 Aug 2004
Puteri Gunung Ledang Press Premiere
Who's my mangsa today? No mangsa actually.. Dpt tgk M Nasir on BIG SCREEN pun dah happy! :) Ni minat masa zaman dolu2 ni!! :)
Sifu is looking his age in the movie but damnnnnn, he still looked bloody good to me! :) Satu-satunya hero Melayu yg betul-betul macho in my books. Intense, gorgeous and mempunyai ciri2 yg i suka in a guy - sempoi and slamba!! ;) (Go Zahid!!)
Before I start, a disclaimer:
I didnt plan to review the movie so I didnt take any notes. Whatever you read is by memory and I'm just commenting on what I see. I wont even attempt to appear intellectual at all, wakaka.. :)
The movie at 2hrs++ is a tad bit dragging at parts, but overall, it's pretty good. I liked it and yeah, go see it. Come on, live a little! Support our movie industry! :)
I promise it won't irritate you because:
- The actors do not wear garish/over the top costumes,
- The comic relief role is present - but brief and not annoying (Sabri Yunus),
- There are no characters who speak like a mute/retard/with a lisp/confuses 'p' with 'f', and....
- The dialogue/script is actually pretty darn good - it made me cry because it was so poetic and beautiful!
A lot of the scenes relied heavily on facial expressions as there were not much dialogue. Kudos to Tiara, Alex Komang and M Nasir for effective delivery. Memorable indeed!
The confrontation between the siblings Gusti Putri (Tiara) and Gusti Adipati (Alex Komang) via voice-over dialogue was very well done.
When the lovers first laid eyes on each other my stomach actually turned a knot when Gusti Putri swept her 'kain' to scoop up jasmine flowers which eventually landed on Tuah's shoulder. Walalala!! :) The scene leading to that was so sweet. When Gusti Putri and Tuah were alone together for the first time and they just danced together. The equivalent to the pottery making scene in Ghost! :)
Costumes and set - impressive.
Fight scenes - ok, though it seems like a watered down version of the Attack of Rohan, hehe. Negligible qualm.
My main qualm regarding this movie:
The Sultan role. Mcm gigolo on drugs jer? :) Maybe it was intended to be that way. It's a little annoying to see the Sultan forever smirking around. He didnt look like he was worthy of the respect he commanded from his people/loyal courtsmen. Can't help thinking perhaps the interpretation by Adlin Aman Ramlie (AAR) this time was a bit off. I do think he's a brilliant theatre actor though. He was great and stole the show in Ops Ophelia. Heard that the person they had in mind for the role was Azri Iskandar. That would've been more fitting perhaps. Who knows eh?
Before i go on.. AAR has terrible teeth. So why oh why do they have to keep showing close-ups of it then!??? Aaarghhh!! And between him and Tun Mamat (Khir Rahman), byk betul open pores on their face - rimas!!!!!! hehehehe. Makeup people should've been able to take care of such things!
The fight scene between Tuah and Gusti Adipati (Alex Komang) was a bit too theatrical for me - terlampau lari dari keadaan asal sebelum berlawan. All that firework was unnecessary. Cerita Hong Kong pun tak macam tu sekali. Perhaps it was to create a mystical effect? If so, I think there are perhaps other ways that mysticism could've been expressed.
Overall, it was a quality production with an excellent ensemble cast. I applaud those responsible for having the vision and tenacity in making this a reality. Slowly but surely. All the best! :)
Now.. back to the stalking business. Hahahaha..
Well, after the movie we all went to Ana Lakhsmi restaurant for the Press Conference. The cast present were Adlin Aman Ramlie, Alex Komang, Tiara, Sofia Jane, M Nasir and Khir Rahman. M Nasir's hair is obviouly thinning but it is always a pleasure to see him! :)
Btw, URS media Juan Danza (who took pictures of my orange 'gear' during Final AF Konsert) was at the PGL premiere! Already met him last Thursday at the 'Malam Penghargaan Media' at Kit Kat Club where he told me that the next URS issue should be out in September. Fingers crossed that I'll actually look decent - if my picture IS in it lah.
I happened to wear orange today and he noticed, hahaha. Tak nak kalah, dia siap tunjuk key chain dia tu. Ada gambar Zahid siot! On one side gambar Zahid sorang. On the other gambar dia ngan Zahid. Background colour oren lagi! Wakakaka. Begitulah aura Zahid! :)
Saturday, August 28, 2004
5th Meeting with Zahid - Rehearsal Konsert Reunion
Rehearsal Konsert Reunion AF2
Exxon-Mobil Carpark, 6.30pm
Wink, Cikanos and me pegi ke tapak konsert Reunion AF. Reconnaissance work for me, while getting some exercise, haha. Since AF2 started aku mmg kureng pegi gym!! Belum sampai 2 minute jalan dah tak tahan kepanasan, hehehe.
Btw SM Blogees, smlm abg Wink berbaju Melayu kaler purple. Hensem!!
When we arrived there were no AF2 kids on sight but Sham Kamikaze and his gf was there. Terus I lambai kat dia and ckp “Hi Sham!”. Saya ni mmg minat Sham Kamikaze. First time laid eyes on him as pengkritik AF1, terus suka banget! Handsome, well-dressed and a good critique. Good enough for me! :) Last year konsert Reunion mmg bwk poster utk dia, hehehe.
10-15 mins lepas kitorang sampai a few of the AF2 kids keluar from their bilik persediaan. Yg ada time tu Fitri, Farah, Nurul, Linda, Mas and cikgu Linda Jasmine. The rest dah pegi jalan2 kat KLCC cari baju/makan kot, since rehearsal was supposed to be at 8pm.
I mostly borak2 ngan cikgu Linda le, sbb dah lama tak jumpa kat gym. Lagipun masa tu battery digital camera saya flat pulak, so tak leh amik gambar. Habis battery I guna the night before during Mlm Penghargaan Media. Tak sempat recharge.
Abg Wink kita tu kan btw.... dia segan nak jumpa Farah!!! Dia ada jumpa Farah ke Cikanos? Takde kan? hehehehe. Ngan Mas pun dia segan. Sbb takde marker kot! :) Cikanos, sila cerita story anda bersama wink ye. Sbb I mmg borak je ngan Linda Jasmine masa tu.
At 7.00++ bebudak AF yg ada pun beredar cari makan which is kinda perfect timing as Cikanos and Wink kena balik and I was famished. So the 3 of us headed back to KLCC.
I dtg balik at 8pm sbb dah janji Feeda (peminat Adam/Linda) nak temankan dia. Feeda ni pemalu – so dia mmg mintak khidmat org mcm saya ni (stalker pemalu, tapi berpengalaman, ahaks).
Kitorang mula2 sekali jumpa Adam and his cousin. Borak2, amik gambar. Lama gak tunggu AF2 yg lain2 tu sampai. Semua ada except for Anding – dia tak sihat. Actually Nurul pun tak sihat. Suara dah takde - garau. Kesian dia. Masa Mlm Penghargaan Media tu ok je suara dia. Nurul btw, is so friendly, so sweet n so polite!
Mula2 tu tak ramai peminat ada, tapi lama2 tu byk le gak. Sessi amik gambar ngan AF kids was sessi "sapa cepat dia dpt" le. Sbb budak2 tu sampai asing2, so nampak je serbu! Letih tul!
Okey.. Citer Zahid lak! :) Masa dia sampai, dia jalan laju. I panggil nama dia and extended my hand to salam dia. Dia tak stop but terus berjalan while holding my hand. So apalagi tertarik sekali le ngan dia. Ingat dia nak lepas, tapi tak lepas2! Feeda ckp org semua tgk mcm jeles je, hehehhe.. I lepas le after awhile - lepas dah hilang kejutan dia pegang tangan kita lama2.. (disclaimer - sumpah saya tak gatal/getik!! Tanya SM!!)
Masa nak amik gambar ngan dia, dia tgk kita je, terus dia buat muka “Tak cukup2 lagi ke amik gambar ngan kita ni?” :) Jokingly, of coz sbb lepas tu terus dia letak tangan dia atas bahu saya. Yaaay!! Feeda kata semua org kat situ mcm tgk le sbb ngan kita dia mesra je, tak mcm org lain. Hehe. Well, I deserved it cos I worked hard to make him recognize me, haha.
Zahid pakai cap senget, t shirt, wrist sweatband, seluar bermuda bawah lutut and sports shoe. Sbb baju dia tak baggy, nampak sgt le adikku ni dempak benor badannya. Comelnyaaa!!! Mcm Pilsbury Dough boy. Nak je ku cuit2 bdnnya!
Btw, smlm tu rasa mcm tgk rehearsal Akademi Fantasi lak! (Not Fantasia) Byk lagu Indon! Some depa pilih sendiri, some dipilih utk mereka. Zahid mmg tak pilih lagu “La O Be” - dipilih for him. I wished he got a more upbeat & recognized song. Camne org nak sing along with 'La O Be' - it's in bahasa Boyan!! ;)
Smlm semua tak practise menari btw. Just practise nyanyi jer. So who knows, that 'La O Be' song could turn out good/entertaining. Zahid just being himself will make it entertaining for sure.
List of songs:
Zahid – La O Be (Kassim Selamat & the Swallows)
Kaer – Katon Bagaskara song – tak tahu tajuk. "Bila Kau Ada Waktu" perhaps.
Farah - Menghitung Hari (Kris Dayanti). Aiya.. takde lagu lain ke? Lagu ni semua org dah nyanyi at karaoke lounge!! Bosannnnn!!!!
Mas - Senggol Senggolan, Cubit Cubitan (Mas Idayu). Watch with care, Wink! Byk gelek!! :)
Adam – Babe (KRU)
Edlin – Hero (Mariah Carey)
Linda – Hati Lebur Jadi Debu (Hetty Koes Endang)
Nurul – Ku Milikmu (Siti Nurhaliza) - Tal perasan lak sapa rap for this song sbb I went to the loo while she sang. Harap2nya abg Zahid le!! :)
Fitri – Lagu Carefree. Tak ingat tajuk.
Anding – Dia takde sbb demam.
Bob – Tak sempat dgr. Dah balik
Zarina – Tak sempat dgr sbb dah balik. Tapi wai em ckp dia nyanyi lagu Bahtera Merdeka.
Duets :
Bob & Zahid : Ghazal utk Rabiah
Farah & Bob : Tak sempat dgr sbb dah balik. Ada tanya Farah lagu apa tapi dah lupa.
Cikanos kemabli semula ke tapak konsert lepas dinner tapi dia balik sebelum Kaer practice nyanyi. Tapi paling penting, dia sempat amik gambar ngan kaer, farah and zahid. Good for you girl. Bila gambar dah siap i will tell you ok.
Masa Zahid nyanyi budak2 kecik byk panggil2 nama dia sambil terlompat2. So cute! Dia ckp “Haa, lompat, lompat!” hehehe.. Masa budak2 gi kerumun dia mintak signature pun happy sgt sampai terlompat2.. so cute!!
Farah pun pandai ngan budak2. Dia terus bukak tgn dia lebar2 and budak2 tu pun lari and peluk dia.
Masa Linda nyanyi org tepuk sbb suara dia mmg best. Tapi dia nyanyi tak pandang audience. This should be good.
Ok.. cukup le tu yek.. Letih ni.. hehehe..
Dengar citer, top 6 AF2 will not be performing at Konsert Merdeka so most probably I will not go to the rehearsal.. But who knows, haha.. Once a stalker, always a stalker! ;)
Ciao guys! :)
4th Meeting with Zahid - Malam Penghargaan Media
Malam Penghargaan Media
Kit Kat Club, Sheraton Imperial Hotel

With Zahid at Kit Kat Club

Emcee of the night: Jimmy Yezzzerrrr.
AF1 present: Burn, Nana, Azza, Atie, Nija, Sahri, Adi.
AF2: Semua ada.
AF1 kicked of the show with:-
Burn - Rindu Bayangan,
Nana - I Will Survive,
Adi - Sang Pencinta.
Then it was the AF2 kids’ turn. Yaaay!! :)
Those who performed had to sing with pre-selected media staff. I don’t know the names of all the media, so I’ll mention only those that I know/remember:
Mas - Seksis (mmg dia gelek habis!!!)
Edlin & Anding - Hanya Memuji
Kaer - Januari (w/ Zainal Alam Kadir of Malay Mail)
Zahid - Cek Mek Molek (w/ Aznil, Joe Lee of Malay Mail & Juan of URS magazine)
Bob - Pantun Budi (w/ Farahid from Bernama)
Fitri - Bayangan Tarimu
Group song - Medley joget.
Lepas habis nyanyi, there was a group photo of the kids. After that – chaos!!! :)
Everyone attacked the kids - interview for tv, autograph session, pictures and lots and lots of questionnaire for the kids to answer. Kesian bebudak tu, sbb some tgh makan sebenarnya. Dah le baru je habis rehearsal for reunion concert at Astro.
Masa Zahid perform Cek Mek Molek, dia suruh Joe Lee stand at the front right corner of the stage on top of the speaker, and Juan of URS at the other corner. Dua2 kena gelek. Aznil cakap.. "Amboi, mcm kat Bangkok!"
Pastu masa Zahid nak ajar depa gelek Aznil ckp "Mereka tu lagi lembut dari kau ler" Haha.. Mmg betul pun. Both of them gelek 360 degrees cantikkkkk punya.
Masa medley joget pulak, Zahid rajin tarik the girls nari berdua ngan dia. Dari Nana, ke Farah ke Edlin. Azza pulak dok berjoget ngan Bob.
After most of the kids left, party pun bersurai.
I stayed on because I tumpang Haks and he was still out, tgh hantar Sahri & Adi balik. So I pun duduk le sengsorang kat table tengok gelagat AF kids yg tinggal.
Yang ada time tu all guys except Adam, and only Edlin from the girls. AF1 yg tinggal, Nana sorang je. Reporters yang tinggal, Joe Lee and Alam je kot. Tony Eusoff was also still around. A few Astro staff were still present.
Mula2 the AF2 kids and the media folks with Tony Eusoff were dancing at floor level. Hebat tul depa beronggeng. Seronok tgk depa have fun. Lepas tu the AF2 kids and Nana headed for the raised stage. Masing2 tunjuk skill one by one :)
Anding was superb! Fitri & Zahid mmg best. Nana tak yah ckp ler. Bob not bad. Edlin pun sporting gak, boleh tahan. Kaer tak dance sgt, mungkin sbb tak sihat kot. He retired early to the couch area joining his sister (Jojo) and a few Astro staff and media people who were up on their feet moving to the music.
Zahid mmg best, dia nampak I tak balik lagi he came over, tanya tak balik lagi ke, pastu dia borak2 ngan I. Then lagu ‘Hey Mama’ BEP came on. Dia nampak Nana beraksi and he was like “Nana terror betul lah, Zahid tak boleh buat camtu”. I told him pegi ler join. He excused himself and up he was strutting his stuff with Nana :)
When they finished, I was still around waiting for Haks.
Before he left Zahid came over to say goodbye. Now comes the best part for me! :)
Zahid greeted me goodbye by touching his cheeks to mine. Both sides. On my left cheek siap ada peck lagi! Masa tu, rasa macam nak pengsan tak percaya. Sbb sebelum tu pun dah cukup happy sbb during the event, when he passed my way he actually once cubit my elbow and the one other time he cuit my pinggang pulak. He did that without me seeing of course. I terasa org cubit elbow/cuit pingang and turned and saw him!
When Haks arrived and called for me to come down, kereta Zahid was in front of the entance. He was putting some stuff inside the boot. He saw me and tanya mana my ride etc. Mmg bagus dia ni :)
The kids semua pegi Uncle Don after that. Tak penat ke? Sblm gi Kit Kat club tu dah le ada rehearsal reunion concert at Astro. I guess they were famished after dancing the night away. There was a buffet spread at Kit Kat Club but I guess they couldn’t really eat properly cos there were lots of people bugging them for pics, autographs, interviews etc.
Okey. That's it! :)
3rd Meeting with Zahid - Siti Fantasia Tour
Bukit Jalil Stadium
21 August 2004

Zahid backstage during Siti Fantasia Tour Final Concert

Concert kicked off with the AF1 kids medley performance. Then it was the AF2 kids singing the Joget medley followed by both AF1 and AF2 singing Menuju Puncak together.
I was seated at Siti Nurhaliza Productions VIP seats. Up till Siti sings 'Ku Milikmu' anyway. Lepas tu dpt backstage pass. Thank god!! Panas gila kat VIP seats tu!!! Dah le the stage was very far away and the screen resolution was very poor. Pastu, tak nampak langsung muka budak2 AF1 tu masa depa nyanyi medley lagu2 baru mereka. Terang sgt!! Nampak one yellow dot je instead of their faces! Camera shots pulak tak centre and lari2. Ada ke Burn dok nyanyi, dia fokus a quarter je of his body? Berkali2 I and org kiri kanan i tepuk dahi ke-tension-an!
Rambut Adam and Fitri was very weird/different. Tak dpt tgk dgn lebih dekat sbb masa tu duduk jauh kat VIP seats. Masa jumpa Fitri b/stage dia dah cabut pun rambut tu. Mmg tak heran le kalau dia cabut pun :)
Zahid sang the rap part for 'Ku Milikmu' but I missed it cos I was on the way to backstage. Sedih sgt! But takpelah, sbb masa I sampai backstage Zahid was on his way to the resting room after performing. The other kids were all at the resting room when I got there. Zahid je yg ada. But he was in a hurry cos the bodyguard was with him and they were walking fast.
I just said Hi and he replied back “Hi Izrin”. Dia ingat nama! Yaaay : )
I saw him again when they came out to the khemah persediaan for One Sweet Day. Dapat le borak sikit2 and take one pic with him.
When they performed I went to the front of the stage to take pics and videos. Wah, best betul duduk directly in front of the stage. Big difference to sitting at the VIP seats.
Sblm Zahid nyanyi part dia in 'One Sweet Day tu', dia ada buat a 360 degrees turn before singing. Cunnnnyaaaa :)
At the end of 'One Sweet Day' Siti bagi Vince and Zahid ckp sikit to their fans as wakil of AF1 and AF2. Masa turn Zahid, Siti ckp - "Sapa nak dgr Zahid cakap?" Riuh gila sorakan sampai Siti ckp "Konsert malam ni mcm Konsert Zahid!" Bila Zahid pegang mike, dia buat lawak.. "Takde oren pun?!" Masa tu bergoyang kamera i (tengah record video masa tu) sbb dok tunjuk kat baju oren I.
After the show ended, had supper with the usual gang and Adi and Sahri at area Mines. Thanks Haks for the pass, and thanks Bad for passing it to me.
2nd meeting with Zahid - Muzik@RIA taping
Astro Muzik@RIA Set

With Zahid at Muzik@RIA set

Watched the taping from the control room but managed to meet them later. Zahid was wearing orange so I was excited cos I was wearing orange as well. Finally both of us in orange! :)
He was busy signing autographs and posing for pictures with other folks so I took pics etc with the other kids ie Bob, Kaer, Adam and Farah. When Zahid was free and he saw me he actually said "Hi Izrin". Amazing! Dia boleh ingat lagi nama. Mana tak cair, hehehe.
I also talked to Zahid's bro in law, Indra who accompanied him. Indra asked if I worked at Astro, hehehe. He recognized me from the concerts at Dewan Sivik and Bt Jalil.
The kids were off to meet Aubrey Suwito next so they all had to leave soon. We all walked to Astro's lobby together. After saying goodbye to Zahid I just lepaked at the sofas and borak2 with mak Farah.
Tgh borak2 tu Zahid's car came up to the entrance of the lobby. He waved goodbye before driving off. What a sweet guy :)
1st Ever Meeting With Zahid - Radio ERA taping
Monday, 16 August 2004

My first ever picture with Zahid

What an experience! Mula2 nak masuk konti mmg gerun/segan sbb ada Linda Onn, Nana, Farah Fawzana etc. But buat slamba je lah.. First of all suruh Zahid sign my Holland jersey. When he asked for my name, I almost forgot my own name. I just managed to blurt out "Izrin" : )
Next, I actually tried my luck asking him "Boleh peluk tak?" I was probably timidly looking down while asking but Zahid was such a sport. Terus dia bangun dari kerusi dia. I don't care ler what people nak cakap. To me I anggap Zahid ni mcm adik. I'm just so proud of him and I just had to give him a hug. Lepas tu mmg dah malu tahap maksima so cepat2 keluar konti! :)
Later kat luar konti tu, byk pulak staff Astro datang (semua nak jumpa Zahid ler.. ). It got so noisy that I couldnt really hear what Zahid was saying from outside. So when Jojie from Hitz.TV wanted to take a picture with Zahid using my camera, I took that opportunity to masuk konti lagi. Lepas tu tak kuar2, hahaha. Dpt le take a few more pics/video of Zahid.
Also took the opportunity to ask him to sign my Media Hiburan AF magazine. When I approached him to sign the mag, he immediately wrote 'To: Izrin". What a suprise! Can't believe he still remembered my name!! What a sweetheart. Mmg dia ni cepat tangkap mcm cikgu Ramli MS ckp! : ) He signed sooooo many autographs in that konti I just can't believe how he could remember my name.
Before he finished, I gave him a small gift. A miniature Holland team football. It was in a box and he thought it was a teddy bear at first!! Ada ke? hehe.. Took a picture of him with it. He even showed the ball to the webcam. I've said it before but I've just got to say it again. Such a sweetheart!! : )
Lepas habis, dpt lah borak2 sikit ngan dia. Sempat turun lift sama2 as well. I pesan kat dia, for his sessi chatting at ch@15 (later at night on the same day) please do not just type short comments like "Hi xxxx". "Love u too XXX" etc. Wanted to stay on for the Chat session but I had to go back. Missed the chat session but was told that he was a funny and brilliant chatter. That's our Pria Terhebat! :)
Credit to Dreamfinder for setting up this blog. She made me post here okey!! I mmg suka citer je to my friends but i guess this will save me the time and energy telling my close friends my encounters and exploits.