Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Puteri Gunung Ledang Press Premiere
Who's my mangsa today? No mangsa actually.. Dpt tgk M Nasir on BIG SCREEN pun dah happy! :) Ni minat masa zaman dolu2 ni!! :)
Sifu is looking his age in the movie but damnnnnn, he still looked bloody good to me! :) Satu-satunya hero Melayu yg betul-betul macho in my books. Intense, gorgeous and mempunyai ciri2 yg i suka in a guy - sempoi and slamba!! ;) (Go Zahid!!)
Before I start, a disclaimer:
I didnt plan to review the movie so I didnt take any notes. Whatever you read is by memory and I'm just commenting on what I see. I wont even attempt to appear intellectual at all, wakaka.. :)
The movie at 2hrs++ is a tad bit dragging at parts, but overall, it's pretty good. I liked it and yeah, go see it. Come on, live a little! Support our movie industry! :)
I promise it won't irritate you because:
- The actors do not wear garish/over the top costumes,
- The comic relief role is present - but brief and not annoying (Sabri Yunus),
- There are no characters who speak like a mute/retard/with a lisp/confuses 'p' with 'f', and....
- The dialogue/script is actually pretty darn good - it made me cry because it was so poetic and beautiful!
A lot of the scenes relied heavily on facial expressions as there were not much dialogue. Kudos to Tiara, Alex Komang and M Nasir for effective delivery. Memorable indeed!
The confrontation between the siblings Gusti Putri (Tiara) and Gusti Adipati (Alex Komang) via voice-over dialogue was very well done.
When the lovers first laid eyes on each other my stomach actually turned a knot when Gusti Putri swept her 'kain' to scoop up jasmine flowers which eventually landed on Tuah's shoulder. Walalala!! :) The scene leading to that was so sweet. When Gusti Putri and Tuah were alone together for the first time and they just danced together. The equivalent to the pottery making scene in Ghost! :)
Costumes and set - impressive.
Fight scenes - ok, though it seems like a watered down version of the Attack of Rohan, hehe. Negligible qualm.
My main qualm regarding this movie:
The Sultan role. Mcm gigolo on drugs jer? :) Maybe it was intended to be that way. It's a little annoying to see the Sultan forever smirking around. He didnt look like he was worthy of the respect he commanded from his people/loyal courtsmen. Can't help thinking perhaps the interpretation by Adlin Aman Ramlie (AAR) this time was a bit off. I do think he's a brilliant theatre actor though. He was great and stole the show in Ops Ophelia. Heard that the person they had in mind for the role was Azri Iskandar. That would've been more fitting perhaps. Who knows eh?
Before i go on.. AAR has terrible teeth. So why oh why do they have to keep showing close-ups of it then!??? Aaarghhh!! And between him and Tun Mamat (Khir Rahman), byk betul open pores on their face - rimas!!!!!! hehehehe. Makeup people should've been able to take care of such things!
The fight scene between Tuah and Gusti Adipati (Alex Komang) was a bit too theatrical for me - terlampau lari dari keadaan asal sebelum berlawan. All that firework was unnecessary. Cerita Hong Kong pun tak macam tu sekali. Perhaps it was to create a mystical effect? If so, I think there are perhaps other ways that mysticism could've been expressed.
Overall, it was a quality production with an excellent ensemble cast. I applaud those responsible for having the vision and tenacity in making this a reality. Slowly but surely. All the best! :)
Now.. back to the stalking business. Hahahaha..
Well, after the movie we all went to Ana Lakhsmi restaurant for the Press Conference. The cast present were Adlin Aman Ramlie, Alex Komang, Tiara, Sofia Jane, M Nasir and Khir Rahman. M Nasir's hair is obviouly thinning but it is always a pleasure to see him! :)
Btw, URS media Juan Danza (who took pictures of my orange 'gear' during Final AF Konsert) was at the PGL premiere! Already met him last Thursday at the 'Malam Penghargaan Media' at Kit Kat Club where he told me that the next URS issue should be out in September. Fingers crossed that I'll actually look decent - if my picture IS in it lah.
I happened to wear orange today and he noticed, hahaha. Tak nak kalah, dia siap tunjuk key chain dia tu. Ada gambar Zahid siot! On one side gambar Zahid sorang. On the other gambar dia ngan Zahid. Background colour oren lagi! Wakakaka. Begitulah aura Zahid! :)