Saturday, August 28, 2004


4th Meeting with Zahid - Malam Penghargaan Media

Thursday, 26 August 2004
Malam Penghargaan Media
Kit Kat Club, Sheraton Imperial Hotel

With Zahid at Kit Kat Club Posted by Hello

Emcee of the night: Jimmy Yezzzerrrr.
AF1 present: Burn, Nana, Azza, Atie, Nija, Sahri, Adi.
AF2: Semua ada.

AF1 kicked of the show with:-
Burn - Rindu Bayangan,
Nana - I Will Survive,
Adi - Sang Pencinta.

Then it was the AF2 kids’ turn. Yaaay!! :)

Those who performed had to sing with pre-selected media staff. I don’t know the names of all the media, so I’ll mention only those that I know/remember:

Mas - Seksis (mmg dia gelek habis!!!)
Edlin & Anding - Hanya Memuji
Kaer - Januari (w/ Zainal Alam Kadir of Malay Mail)
Zahid - Cek Mek Molek (w/ Aznil, Joe Lee of Malay Mail & Juan of URS magazine)
Bob - Pantun Budi (w/ Farahid from Bernama)
Fitri - Bayangan Tarimu

Group song - Medley joget.

Lepas habis nyanyi, there was a group photo of the kids. After that – chaos!!! :)

Everyone attacked the kids - interview for tv, autograph session, pictures and lots and lots of questionnaire for the kids to answer. Kesian bebudak tu, sbb some tgh makan sebenarnya. Dah le baru je habis rehearsal for reunion concert at Astro.

Masa Zahid perform Cek Mek Molek, dia suruh Joe Lee stand at the front right corner of the stage on top of the speaker, and Juan of URS at the other corner. Dua2 kena gelek. Aznil cakap.. "Amboi, mcm kat Bangkok!"

Pastu masa Zahid nak ajar depa gelek Aznil ckp "Mereka tu lagi lembut dari kau ler" Haha.. Mmg betul pun. Both of them gelek 360 degrees cantikkkkk punya.

Masa medley joget pulak, Zahid rajin tarik the girls nari berdua ngan dia. Dari Nana, ke Farah ke Edlin. Azza pulak dok berjoget ngan Bob.

After most of the kids left, party pun bersurai.

I stayed on because I tumpang Haks and he was still out, tgh hantar Sahri & Adi balik. So I pun duduk le sengsorang kat table tengok gelagat AF kids yg tinggal.

Yang ada time tu all guys except Adam, and only Edlin from the girls. AF1 yg tinggal, Nana sorang je. Reporters yang tinggal, Joe Lee and Alam je kot. Tony Eusoff was also still around. A few Astro staff were still present.

Mula2 the AF2 kids and the media folks with Tony Eusoff were dancing at floor level. Hebat tul depa beronggeng. Seronok tgk depa have fun. Lepas tu the AF2 kids and Nana headed for the raised stage. Masing2 tunjuk skill one by one :)

Anding was superb! Fitri & Zahid mmg best. Nana tak yah ckp ler. Bob not bad. Edlin pun sporting gak, boleh tahan. Kaer tak dance sgt, mungkin sbb tak sihat kot. He retired early to the couch area joining his sister (Jojo) and a few Astro staff and media people who were up on their feet moving to the music.

Zahid mmg best, dia nampak I tak balik lagi he came over, tanya tak balik lagi ke, pastu dia borak2 ngan I. Then lagu ‘Hey Mama’ BEP came on. Dia nampak Nana beraksi and he was like “Nana terror betul lah, Zahid tak boleh buat camtu”. I told him pegi ler join. He excused himself and up he was strutting his stuff with Nana :)
When they finished, I was still around waiting for Haks.

Before he left Zahid came over to say goodbye. Now comes the best part for me! :)

Zahid greeted me goodbye by touching his cheeks to mine. Both sides. On my left cheek siap ada peck lagi! Masa tu, rasa macam nak pengsan tak percaya. Sbb sebelum tu pun dah cukup happy sbb during the event, when he passed my way he actually once cubit my elbow and the one other time he cuit my pinggang pulak. He did that without me seeing of course. I terasa org cubit elbow/cuit pingang and turned and saw him!

When Haks arrived and called for me to come down, kereta Zahid was in front of the entance. He was putting some stuff inside the boot. He saw me and tanya mana my ride etc. Mmg bagus dia ni :)

The kids semua pegi Uncle Don after that. Tak penat ke? Sblm gi Kit Kat club tu dah le ada rehearsal reunion concert at Astro. I guess they were famished after dancing the night away. There was a buffet spread at Kit Kat Club but I guess they couldn’t really eat properly cos there were lots of people bugging them for pics, autographs, interviews etc.

Okey. That's it! :)

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