Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Konsert Merdeka 2004

Adus.. tensionnya dpt info kurang tepat, hehehe.. Ingat Zahid kat Kuantan, so sengaja le tak pegi the rehearsal nor the real event.

I could've been backstage ikut kroni, but who knows, maybe tak boleh. Apa2pun tension sbb ada both Vince and Zahid together. My two faves!! And Zahid tak pakai snow cap! hehehe. Bila le nak dpt amik gambar with Zahid tanpa snow cap! :)

Last2, as usual, kirim salam je lah. Motto kena diteruskan... 'Izrin mana2 adaaaa'!! If not my real self, nama mesti kena ada, wakakaka.... Kesian ko Jahit!! Tu lah, sapa suruh irresistable sgt! ;)

Apasal camera work still kurenggg ye? I mmg le minat Sham Kamikaze tapi takkan le masa AF2 nyanyi depa focus kat Sham kot? And forever focus kat Zarina je ni? I rasa Kaer and Farah tak dpt byk coverage. Anding pun kurang actually.

Zahid seemed to tired and less energetic as usual. Kesian tul bebudak ni.

Mmg seronok sgt tgk Zahid and Misha berduet. He was cheeky as usual. You really make me smile and laugh lah Zahid! :)

Ok lah, mengantuk dah ni.

Ciao guys! To those yg pegi konsert reunion, see u there (tegur2 lah I, kalau perasan) and have fun! :)

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