Thursday, September 09, 2004


Astro AF Party at AERO, Jln Sultan Ismail

8 Sept 2004
Aero Bar, Jln Sultan Ismail

Waaaaaaaa... Haks tak ajak pun kita gi Astro AF party!!! Sampai hati you Haks!! Called me to say he's on the way to Aero nak jumpa budak2 AF. Kijammmmm... kijammmmm!!!! :)

Not that I really needed him to invite me once I found out, now do I? ;) Org Astro pun dah kenal "Iz MMA"! :) Tapi I tetap 'stalker berhemah', so tahan je lah keinginan membara2 nak pergi ke Aero tu... lagipun masa tu tgh syok tgk The Amazing Race.

Yezzerrrr!!! The twins are out! Still can't believe Brandon & Nicole managed to beat Kim & Chip to 3rd?!!! They continue to choose the dumbest detours... My top fave, Colin & Christie are still kicking ass amidst their meltdowns with each other and the elements. Colin needs to calm down! But hey, whatever works right? Go C&C!!

My 2nd faves, the bowling moms did good!!! 2nd!! Waaay to go! You show them that moms can be a force to be reckoned with! :)

My 3rd faves, Chip & Kim are starting to show some competitive streak - but still not enough! Luckily, turned out they didnt really need to use the 'Yield' option after all.

Back to Zahiiiiidddd....

When Haks called me to say that he was going to Aero, bermacam2 le pesanan yg keluar.. "Don't forget to say hi!", "Don't forget to tell him I've got orange & white beaded braids!", "Don't forget to take his picture!!" etc etc etc
Syian Haks...

Later Haks called to tell me that masa dia jumpa Zahid, belum sempat dia buka mulut Zahid dah cakap "Mana Iz?" Waaaaaaa.. Sayangnya kat Zahiddddddd... Dia ni mmg best! Panggil I 'Iz' lagi! Lagi mesra gitu.. Thanks Badrul for introducing the name Iz to him, hehe. Tak sangka he picked it up so fast! Sigh.. Mcm mana lah nak kebah demam oren ni I ask you!!! :)

Sedih sgt tak dpt jumpa Zahid in a closed event mcm tu. Nak sgt tunjuk dia rambut oren I sebenarnya :) Plus, my scalp is itching to take it out lah. Itu le pasal nak jumpa dia cepat2, hehehe... I want to really really reaaaaalllllly shampoo my hair! :)

Later that night Zaidi (another Astro staff) called me tanya kenapa I takde kat Aero! Aaarghhhhhhhh!!! Tgk tu???!!!Haaaakiimmmmmmmmmm!!! Benci benci benciiiiii!!! (Tapi still sayang lah, hehe)

Zaidi kata byk Astro staff bwk kawan atas kawan. Cis!! Bertambah le pilunya hatiku ini..... Dah le mmg nak pass ole2 dari Phuket kat Zahid. Takpelah.. harap2 dia mmg ada nanti kat Wangsamaju Carnival tu.. walaupun that event for sure takkan dpt jumpa dekat2 punya.

Zaidi ckp event smlm sah2 habis lambat.. 3am kot. Wah.. lagi lambat dari Media Appreciation Night tu!! Mesti beronggeng habis Nana, Zahid, Anding and Fitri on the dance floor mcm that night. Melepas aku tgk lagi, hahahaha... I'll say this.. they sure can move!! ;)

Nanti kalau dpt gambar Zahid dari Haks I will upload kat sini.. Still tak reti sgt letak2 gambar kat blog ni, hehehe.. Al-maklumlah, blog ni pun kwn yg buatkan.. I posting je.. hehe..

Ok guys.. back to work it is for me! :)

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