Thursday, September 09, 2004


Supper with Adi, Sahri n Liza featuring Zahid

Sept 4, 2004

Featuring Zahid in conversation je lah, wakaka...

Dream and Haks were also present. Dream brought the NST article she saved for me (while I was in Phuket). Thanks babe! Muahs! The article where Zahid interviews Vince. Good interview! Zahid pakai baju oren in that shoot. Haha.. Good to know he's still wearing orange - that he's not sick of it yet! :) Vince's shoes kinda looked orange in colour, didnt it? Patut Zahid yg pakai kasut tu!

Anyway... kelakar betul baca Zahid tanya Vince pasal baju, ie kena spend byk ke for clothes? Zahid mentioned ada org dah tegur dia they have seen him wearing a certain baju somewhere else. Hehehehe.. Teringat zaman I stalking Vincent Chong. I mmg cam all his clothes! Kat Miri ke, Kuching ke, Melaka ke.. hehehe... So if he wears the same clothes again, mmg perasan! Tapi takde le cakap kat dia kan. Hehehe. Recently masa pegi show Vince kat Spectrum Mall dia siap mention awal2 lagi, baju yang dia pakai that day will be seen in Sembilu 2005. Hehehehe.. Advanced coverline :) He knows his fans will notice EVERYTHING!! :)

Dulu, I mmg rasa tak best/bosan bila depa pakai baju sama but now I dah tak kisah/heran dah.. Depa ni mana ada masa nak shop kan...

Back to Adi, Sahri and Liza....

Nak tergelak bila Adi said to me... "Iz, bukan Zahid je boleh rap tau, Adi pun boleh rap! " and he started of singing this Indon song.. hehehehe

Pastu, Adi tanya lagi.... "Iz, Zahid kat mana?" I'm sure he didn't mean physically where is Zahid cos for sure he knows I wouldn't know so I just pointed out to my heart. Hehehe.. Pastu dia tanya "Vince pulak kat mana?" Alamak! Hehehehe. Tunjuk kat dada gak le. Tapi mmg betul pun. Sayang dua2 adik kita tu. Dua2 best! Cuma skrg demam oren lebih prominent aje ler. Takkan lupa org lama punya :)

Depa tak puas2 sakat, so Sahri lak tanya... "Kalau dua2 Vince and Zahid propose to you, mana u pilih?" Ada ke??!!! Of course le I jawab "Yg dah Islam ler. Senang sikit.." :) (Speaking from experience having a Mat Salleh stepdad!)

Tak habis2 aku kena sakat. Cakap ngan Liza lagi best! Tapi masa borak ngan Liza pun kena sakat! Sahri said "Tak sangka I will see dua2 madu Vince ni berbaik2". Hahahaha....... Ah, zaman2 LV dulu. Nostalgia :)

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