Friday, September 24, 2004
Pics of Vince's Gathering Uploaded
Coverage on the event out in the latest Media Hiburan I was told. Cepatnya!! hehehe... Esok kena singgah kedai mamak le nampaknya :)
The life and times of a celebrity stalker. Mana-mana adaaaa...
This blog is for fun ok, so please don't take it too seriously. Proceed reading only if you have a sense of humour. Most times I'm taking the mickey out of myself using phrases like 'MMA' (Mana-mana Ada instead of the more famous Macam-macam Ada) & 'Superstalker'. This was set up by friends for me to post my ramblings. I am too enthusiastic most times and love to share my stories so to save my energy and time telling all of them the same story repetitively they created this site for me. I am a web-challenged gal as u can probably see from the simple layout. In my view, layout is secondary, it's the contents that matter more. So this is as good as it gets for the layout, ok! :)